Friday, August 19, 2011

Misguided Interpretation

Little specks of tangled speech, knowing the key to its own decipher. When it is simplified, it sneaks to slip out of my grasp. Words no longer carry the meaning, to keep the troublesome ledge of misunderstanding at bay.

Yet hope catches the light of the distant moon, leading its fury to the thralls of emptiness, the pit of hollowness and the beauty of perseverance.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Time passes us by and we still become that which we seek to avoid. Grainy versions of our inner child's dreams. Woeful remembrances and sordid events plague our ability to forgive, to forget or to live. Ever reaching, ever searching, ever trying to become that which we know we are capable, yet fall so short of becoming.

Now is the time to live long, love hard and be ambitious.. for now is the only time that matters, when tomorrow is ever slipping away.